According to Reuters, Apple is considering using the larger screen on the iPad, Apple is testing the 13-inch screen iPad. Wall Street Journal reports also confirmed this point, the report said Apple is brewing in new products using a larger screen, the iPhone is even considering using 4.7 inches 5.7 inch display, and is tested using the larger screen iPad.
Apple will introduce 13 inches iPad
Wall Street Journal that Apple is testing the new iPad uses less than 13-inch screen of the actual results. Apple’s new products used in the big screen for the simple reason that in recent Android device’s screen bigger and bigger, and the results are very good, especially Samsung products, Apple’s momentum has exceeded the number of products, so that Apple had to Consider the use of large screen sizes.
Apple iPad Series
a 13-inch Apple iPad will enrich the product line, the screen size looks rather strange, but the market’s temper who can get a clear idea, Apple iPad has been launched for three years, during which time many manufacturers have launched their own flat products, iPad’s share in this period is gradually being eroded, presumably Apple’s move is to further enhance the iPad’s dominance in the market, but also on the current market a compromise.
Nevertheless, Apple is more cautious, though done a lot of work behind the scenes, but Apple will not guarantee this product to market.
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