Saturday, May 4, 2013

American Airlines pilots: Since the use of the iPad no longer afraid of back pain - Wei Feng network


The following is the full text of the article:

the the iPad on the plane role in addition to be able to spend their time for us, it is the pilot’s lucky star, because, since the phenomenon With iPad, pilots back pain to reduce the many.

American pilots generally suffering from back pain, because they each flight must be carrying a weight of about 40 pounds of flight envelope boarding. Patrick O’Keeffe the TabTimes Tablet strategy meeting held in New York, United States Air public company’s flight operations vice president of technology revealed the end of May this year, U.S. Airways 8600 pilots using the iPad as flight bag.

He said: “We try to avoid the cause of the pilots back pain culprit: the flight envelope carrying overweight addition to reduce the pilot’s back pain , carrying reduced to the weight of the flight, we were able to save $ 1 million in fuel costs and flight manual printing costs.

Last year, American Airlines lead first act as their flight envelope with the iPad, and they are the only allows full use of the iPad guide the operator airline flying the iPad currently is the only the FAA permitted to act as a flight envelope Tablet PC

usually a pilot’s flight bag, including thousands of pages of manuals and Record Book, weight, aircraft flight 40 pounds, 40 pounds or more. aircraft and many times the accumulation of flight, that we should be able to let the American Airlines leaving millions of dollars in fuel costs, iPad contributed. most important is that the the pilot health problems have been eased, as the passengers on board, we have a lot of confidence.


[Article error correction]

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